Hello, we (see below) cordially invite you to the Sizzlin Summer Bash on 27 June from 7 pm at Honolulu in Bregenz.
We celebrate the young at heart and courageous Vorarlberg and look forward to a wonderful summer together. All people who are young at heart and courageous in mind are invited.
It will be a nice, uncomplicated summer evening in the Honolulu beer garden with nice people, music, and the opportunity to get to know each other and exchange ideas.
Come as you are.
* CampusVäre
* Designforum Vorarlberg
* Die Gelbe Fabrik
* Digitale Initiativen
* Expat Service Vorarlberg
* Fempower Community
* Freiraumkommision
* Gute Stube Andelsbuch
* Honolulu Hotel
* Junge Wirtschaft Vorarlberg
* Kultursektor Elektra
* Muut Offices
* ÖH FH Vorarlberg
* Plattform V
* Rossstall
* Startupland
* Startupstube